Sunday, January 22, 2012

Doing it Big!

Yes...doing it BIG is what Lady Dye is doing. I am thrilled to be able to create some amazing hair pins and headbands with my hand-dyed and hand-spun yarns. For a while I have been contemplating how to expand my fiber arts business and as a woman with this amazing Afro :)I found it suiting to expand into hair accessories for women and men from all different backgrounds who are not only proud of their hair but believe in my new hair motto:  the BIGGER. the BOLDER. the BETTER! About six years ago, I made the decision to go natural with my hair and I have not looked back. It was one of the best decision I have made in my life and I feel true and honest with myself and confident in my own identity. I want other women and men to feel the same way. Besides, I sometimes feel our society has been so conservative when it comes to what's acceptable for hair accessories. Lady Dye is here to say yes! It's acceptable to have knitted decorations in your hair! From one big hair to the other!