I spent the last couple of days in my kitchen taking time to dye some yarn and fiber that I have accumulated over the years and I have to say I am quite impressed with how much I dyed! I took a yarn dyeing workshop a couple months ago and used acid dye but since I do not have the space for using chemicals like that, I decided to go online and do some research on how to dye yarn using food coloring.
I also did a Dyeing Yarn Day with my close friend Nicole and her mother Cindy on their farm in Greene, RI. That day was so much fun! I decided to take that experience and bring it back to Boston :) This website to dye yarn using food coloring was so helpful and I am pleased with the colors and how it turned out. http://www.knitty.com/issuespring07/FEATdyeyourown.html
Here are some photos of my yarn/fiber dyeing day that I did at home. Now that I have made so much, I am not quite sure what to do with all of this yarn and fiber ! My room is so small and I am running out of space to put my yarn. If you are in the New England area and you know someone who would like to purchase some of the stuff I have dyed, let me know :) or if you are interested, send me a message!
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